Discover AVSpares Suppliers: Hawk Aviation Ltd

Member since 2013

60 Hailanot Street Gat Rimon Select State 49920 Israel

Established in 1988, Hawk Aviation, an aftermarket supplier of spares, has been a leader in the aviation industry, providing quality products and reliable on-time customer service, around the clock. Hawk Aviation provides aftermarket solutions by selling, repairing, exchanging and loaning of new, overhauled and serviceable spares, rotables and consumables, for commercial (passengers and cargo), regional and commuter aircraft. Hawk Aviation is fully concentrated on extending its inventory availability with a diverse fleet coverage and has an extensive history and experience in aircraft disassembling, investments in single highly demanded components, lot purchasing, surplus acquisitions and consignment solutions. Our company’s management team combines hundreds of accumulative years of experience in the aviation industry. Our employees’ dedication to excellence is an integral component of our continued growth and success. Commitment, support and knowledge are important factors in the aviation industry. Hawk Aviation is committed to understand and support our customer’s needs in a competitive market and environment and as a data driven company, is on a constant process of improving and developing its market analysis resources and capabilities, sales mechanism, purchasing strategies and logistics solutions.

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